September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month which means it’s a great time to review what individuals with thyroid cancer applying for SSDI need to know. Until recently, thyroid cancer was the most rapidly increasing cancer in the United States, largely due to increased detection. As doctors gain access to more sensitive diagnostic procedures, such as CT […]
Non Medical Requirements for SSDI
Understanding the non medical requirements for SSDI benefits is as important as understanding what medical conditions qualify for disability. In this blog post, we’ll briefly review the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and its work credit (non-medical) requirements. SSDI Benefits Overview SSDI is a work-based, Federal disability insurance program for individuals who can no […]
What is the Maximum Attorney Fee for Social Security Disability?
The maximum attorney fee for Social Security Disability claims is $9,200 or 25% of past-due benefits (also called backpay), whichever is lower. Because of this calculation, Social Security disability attorney fees vary based on a claimant’s awarded backpay. Fees are capped which is part of Social Security law. As an example, if a claimant is awarded […]
How to Get Approved for Disability the First Time
Most of the clients we work with call us after their Social Security disability claim has been denied. That’s no surprise. While Social Security doesn’t deny everyone the first time they apply; they do deny approximately 65% of initial claims. Applying Too Early There are several reasons initial applications are denied. The first is that oftentimes, […]
How Much Can Your Spouse Make If You Are on Disability?
Your spouse’s income may impact your Social Security Disability benefits under certain disability programs. Claimants receiving benefits under Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) will see minor, if any, effect from their spouse’s income. In contrast, claimants receiving children’s benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) need to take a spouse’s income into account to qualify for […]
How to Find a Good Disability Lawyer
Many people start their search for a good disability lawyer online. Before hiring, many clients visit a lawyer’s website, read their Google reviews and possibly ask friends or family for guidance. But, if you’re considering hiring a disability lawyer online, you’ll want to take the following steps first. Decide If You Want to Go Local […]